May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
2 that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Selah 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! 6 The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, shall bless us. 7 God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him! Meditation John Piper begins his book on missions with this line: Missions exists because worship does not. Worship is the goal and fuel of our mission participation. The Church must further God’s global mission as long as worship of Jesus Christ is absent among the nations. Every Christian is called to participate in God’s global mission of furthering worship of Jesus Christ among the nations. Christians are called to send, support, or share the good news with those who have not heard the message of salvation through Christ alone. Do you know your highest and best role for participation in God’s global mission to the nations? The global scope of God’s mission of worship advancement cannot be missed: 3,5- The peoples, all peoples are to praise God! 4- The Nations are to be glad and sing for joy from their salvation! 7- All the ends of the earth should fear the Lord! One day worship will burst forth from every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 7:9). The Church is called to further the worship of Jesus Christ by sharing His message of salvation with every neighbor, neighborhood, and among every nation until the final consummation when the glory of God will cover the earth as the water covers the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). Richly Dwelling -God desires for the “nations to be glad, to sing for joy” from their reception of the good news of salvation. Do you share God’s heart? -What is your highest and best role in participation in God’s global mission- sending, supporting, sharing, or other? -The Joshua Project is a great site to find out more about people groups through out the world that need to hear the good news of salvation. Take time today to read about one of the featured people groups on Joshua Project and pray for them. Key Verse 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy Comments are closed.
AuthorPastor Mitchell celebrates twenty-five years of marriage with Lisa and together they have four adventurous children. |